
Rapid sketch play store
Rapid sketch play store


  • attention of the audience, and was most raptu.
  • The execution of the piano duets must have satisfied the most fastidious, but the duet on the guitar and maehette completely chained the we mast assume that a Welsh quartette, 'The Bells of Abeigavenney,' the duet 'Gipsy Girls,' the song 'Good-by, Sweetheart,' the glee * Men of Harlech,'and the song 'Would that my Heart,' bore the palm among the vocal music. If the interest of Hie audience is any guide whereby to distinguish between the comparative merits of the perfor mances. detected any flaw in the exquisite renderingof the varied and difficult pieces, whether vocal or instrumental.


    The programme for the evening was both full and recherche, and we believe that but few among the audience could have. Long before tbe hour appointed for the commencement of the concert the greater portion of the room was filled, the number present being about 350. Peter's Schoolroom and Gienelg Lecture Hall took place on Wednesday September 2. Peter's Schoolroom and Gienelg Lecture Hall.-A correspondent says:-"The public opening of St. The concert closed at about 10 o'clock with the National Anthem. His selection comprised most of his favourite pieces, inclqding "Our good ship sails to-night," "Do they think of meat home the favonrite harp solo, "Lays of many lands _ the ballad, "Happy be thy dreams " "Mother kissed me in my dreams:" and "Let us speak of a man as we find him." the latter being given instead of the harp solo, "The Dream Waltzes," which could not be played on account of an injury bappeningto the instrument. With regard to Signor Abecco him self, he was with one exception encored in every piece. Pappin'B basso voice sounded to good effect in the two solos allotted to him. Ellard materially assisted in the suc cess of the entertainment by his piano accom paniments, and likewise gave a couple of vocal selections. She also gave the "Mocking Bird," with flute obligato by Mr. Proctor rendered the beautiful ballads "UellB upon the Wind" and " The Last Rose of Summer" with the marked sweetness and expression cha racteristic of the happiest efforts of this favourite cantatrice. After the execution of a violin overture by Schroder's Band, a duet was sung by His. It included many popular airs, and comprised likewise many of the Signors favourite solos. The programme was varied enongh to suit all tastes.


    The Signor was assisted by most of'the professional talent of the city. Signor Abecoo's Concert.-a "grand concert" was given in the Town Hall on Friday evening, September 4, as a farewell benefit to Signor Abecco.

    Rapid sketch play store